Welcome to Angelfishy's blog!

there are quite a few blogs out there worthier than mine, simply because they are a bit more consistent in their posting frequency. but you'll see that I have a few things to be proud of, dabbling in quilting, and other needle arts.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Another Bug Jar Quilt

This Bug Jar quilt was made from "leftover" pieces from the original bug jar quilt (now a baby quilt). A few additions of bug fabric were necessary, but then I got to use some more "cutesy" bug fabrics, which didn't make the cut when the quilt was originally destined for number one son.
The best part of this project, aside from finally calling it done, is that I got my Janome machine out of the deal. I was working on the machine quilting on my old Kenmore from Sears, a gift from DH in 1994, and the timing or something went bad, so it was not catching the bobbin thread and it was not pretty! Not a good thing to happen when you are 3/4 done with the quilting!! So I brought it to the nearby sewing machine shop, and they didn't know what was wrong without sending it away. And I needed to finish it now!! It's a Christmas present! I have two weeks!! DH said that I should think about a new machine, so I looked, and for the $$ the Janome does what I need.

Bug Jar quilt for my cousin's baby

I've been doing a lot of quilting projects lately, not enough blogging. Here's a little something to celebrate.

A few years ago, 4+, I started collecting fabrics for a bug jar quilt, hoping to also learn foundation piecing for the frog, bug, lizard, and other critter in the critter quilt. Alas, the foundation piecing was a bust for me, perhaps to be taken up again in the future. Then, number one son, who was the intended recipient, decided he was too old for the bug jar concept. He wanted Star Wars. And maybe the bug/frog/lizard quilt could be for the new baby coming in our family. Sigh.

So there it sat, for a few years, a completed top, but no more energy on my part. Then, a few months ago, my cousin and his wife found they were expecting, and nicknamed the little one "Baby Bugg". Aha!

With some unsewing, and a bit of restructuring, the quilt was definitely getting somewhere, and soon!

The label is from "Make Your Own Quilt Labels!" from Kim  Churbuck.  I used fabric markers to color it in, after I traced it.

Thanks to my Auntie, who helped deliver the quilt to the new baby. I was hoping to not have to mail the quilt. The young ones, Grandma, and I drove out to SD to visit said Auntie, then she drove out to CO to visit the new grandbaby. Nice when things work out!